You can't replicate that in Java because generics are fundamentally different between C# and Java Java uses type erasure so generic type arguments aren't (mostly) retained at runtime If you want to construct elements of your generic type argument then you'll need to pass in a class instance. Sun Java™ System Directory Server 52 04Q2 X t Sun Java™ System Directory Server 5 04Q2 %X ɩҴ Ѫ n T C b o ̴ s \ M W j \ B w D M A ٦ L T C b z } l ϥ Directory Server 5 04Q2 e A Х \Ū o C. @WhatsUp Yes, you are correct in saying that this code runs in O(n^3) time It also runs in O(n^4) and O(2^n) O(n^2) is also a valid runtime claim BigO notation does describe the upperbound on the limiting behavior, and I can always find a large enough cosntant k, which makes k * n * n larger than the actual number of operations.
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